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HTML5 - 25/4 - Wordpress contact form on Vimeo
Here you can see screen captures from Firefox and Chrome: HTML5では、次の方法を使用することで、form要素の外にもフォーム部品を配置できるようになりました。 form要素にid属性を指定します。 フォーム部品にform属性を指定して、form要素に付けたID名を記述します。 2012-01-01 · This seemingly makes HTML5 development sub-optimal at best, because of the likelihood that the HTML5 form features won't be available to the majority of a Web application's target constituents. Fortunately, open source provides a solution called "polyfills" or "shims" . post (The form data is not appended to the URL.) dialog (Closes the dialog box in which the form finds itself, if any, and otherwise does not submit.) name: Assigns a name to the form. This is used when referencing the form with stylesheets or scripts. If there are multiple forms, the name of each form must be unique. novalidate HTML5 新的表单属性. HTML5 的